Total Six Pack Abs
If you are looking for a good workout routine that will help you get chizzled abs, then this is the product for you! In it you will find recipes for home made protein foods like protein chocolate cupcakes. Take a look at some of the before and after's. Here is how to not get a six pack, by doing hours of endless crunches. The maker of this product really knows his stuff, take a look!
Beer And Body
If you like to drink beer, and you want to lose that beer gut, then check out beer and body. Many people who have used this product seem happy with thier results.
Workout Finishers
Take a look at Mikes workout finishers to improve your body's condition. Take a Look at how mike went from fat to lean and muscular. Talks of interval training.
Spartan Fitness and Health
Still looking for something different? Here is another fitness program that might peek your interest! Get in shape with the Spartan health, and fitness workout routine. Find out how to tone your body like a greek God. Included, you will find many bonuses!